Thank you for purchasing and downloading my digital design. This design remains the property of Axyom Designs and is protected by U.S. and international property laws. It is provided to you for your own PERSONAL and SMALL BUSINESS USE.

PERSONAL USE: Accordingly, you agree that you will not share, gift, resell, modify, copy, or create derivative works, except for your own personal, non-commercial use.

We encourage you to post creations made with this design onto public galleries or your blog or submit creations to magazines or online publications, provided that the designer, Axyom Designs, is attributed in the list of supplies.

NO REDISTRIBUTION: You may not reproduce, repackage, or redistribute the contents of this digital design, in-whole or in-part, for any reason under any circumstances.

NO DIGITAL REDISTRIBUTION: You may not share, gift, resell, modify, reproduce, repackage, or redistribute the contents of the digital designs, in-whole or in-part, for any reason under any circumstances. Additionally, you are NOT permitted to sell on any print-on-demand services (such as Printify, Shopify, Cafe Press, Zazzle, etc.).

LIMITED COMMERCIAL USE: This design may be used to create physical products for small business use up to 500 uses. After which time an Extended License must be purchased. Extended Licenses are available on this website or at the AxyomDesigns shop on Etsy. Thank you for understanding.

Modification of Terms: Axyom Designs shall have the right to modify the terms of this agreement at any time, which modification shall be effective immediately and shall replace all prior agreements.


If you have questions, please contact us via email at [email protected].

Axyom Designs

This content is copyright protected.